Our Experience Working in Global Business Services Companies

Our Experience Working in Global Business Services Companies

Initially Ms Tiara represented a bank subsidiary that had its main headquarters back in London and I was representing a joint venture custodian bank having its headquarters in Canada. At that moment I didn't know anything about GBS companies and their field of expertise but everything changed one day when I went to a Job Fair organized by Jobstreet.com at Mid Valley.

Starting with this new company, personally I had no idea about their products what so ever and I along with other colleagues had to attend a series of training courses. This entire process lasted for seven months. Seven months of berguru (knowledge transfer session) until we were finally able to really understand the way this business was working.

The most important idea in this case is that you don't need to know every single thing but rather to have the boldness and willingness to learn and develop yourself as much as possible!

These companies we're talking about are more than willing to provide the necessary assistance and training for your development and they also have another feature which facilitated learning and development: 'a cocktail of nationalities'. This idea and the variety of people (From Singapore, Hong Kong, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Canada) made learning of new principles and culture a walk in the park.

I remember like it was yesterday, our first requests from foreign countries and how we had no idea what those people were saying. So we had no choice but to bring to light our secret weapon which would solve all our problems: Mr. Google Translate! Even if sounds like a cliché these days and wasn't really so sophisticated at that time, we took advantage of this possibility and I must say that at the end of the day it was very helpful, it did its job.

After some time of enjoyment together with my colleagues of course, after all those Xbox and pool hours and after so many unlimited free drinks it came the moment when I was called by senior management. I didn't know what to expect exactly and I was hit by this one:

Congrats for your promotion!

And it was huge regarding the fact that I was the last of all in terms of experience... but I had the skill! The thrill was over soon and I realized the complexity of the situation. It wasn't only about me anymore, now on I had to take care of the entire team, take care of people, production procedures and be the main example above everything; this huge responsibility was on my shoulders and if anything went wrong I had to answer the tough questions!

I reflected a bit on what I was going to do and then it hit me:

"It doesn't matter, if you're fresh graduate, as long as you find a way to enjoy what you do... and you're willing to take initiatives. You will have a better chance to climb the ladder in career and life."

If you wish to start your career with one of the SSO companies in Malaysia, you can apply here: http://www.mscmalaysia.my/ssococ/job-listing

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